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Troubleshooting and FAQ

This section provides solutions to common issues you might encounter while using Chanfana, frequently asked questions, debugging tips, and resources for getting help and support.

Common Issues and Solutions

1. "TypeError: Router.get is not a function" or similar errors when using fromHono or fromIttyRouter:

  • Cause: You might be calling fromHono or fromIttyRouter on an object that is not a valid Hono or itty-router router instance.

  • Solution: Ensure that you are passing a valid router instance to fromHono or fromIttyRouter. Double-check your router initialization code:

    // Hono example:
    import { Hono } from 'hono';
    const app = new Hono(); // Correct: Initialize Hono router
    const openapi = fromHono(app, {/* options */});
    // Itty-router example:
    import { Router } from 'itty-router';
    const router = Router(); // Correct: Initialize itty-router
    const openapi = fromIttyRouter(router, {/* options */});

2. OpenAPI documentation is not showing up at /docs or /openapi.json:

  • Cause 1: You haven't registered any routes with Chanfana's openapi instance.

  • Solution: Make sure you are registering your OpenAPIRoute classes using methods like openapi.get(),, etc., and not directly on the original router instance (app.get() in Hono or router.get() in itty-router after initialization with Chanfana).

    // Correct: Register route with Chanfana's openapi instance
    openapi.get('/my-endpoint', MyEndpointClass);
    // Incorrect: Registering directly on the Hono app instance (OpenAPI not enabled for this route)
    app.get('/another-endpoint', () => new Response("Hello"));
  • Cause 2: You have set docs_url, redoc_url, or openapi_url to null in RouterOptions.

  • Solution: Check your RouterOptions and ensure that docs_url, redoc_url, and openapi_url are set to valid URL paths (strings) if you want to enable documentation UIs and schema endpoints.

  • Cause 3: Your application is not running or is not accessible at the expected address and port.

  • Solution: Verify that your application is running correctly and is accessible in your browser or using curl at the URL where you expect to see the documentation.

3. Request validation errors are not being handled as expected:

  • Cause 1: You are not defining request schemas in your OpenAPIRoute classes.

  • Solution: Ensure that you have defined request schemas (e.g., schema.request.body, schema.request.query, etc.) in your OpenAPIRoute classes for the endpoints where you want request validation to be performed.

  • Cause 2: You are catching and handling ZodError exceptions manually in your handle method, potentially overriding Chanfana's default error handling.

  • Solution: In most cases, you should not manually catch ZodError exceptions within your handle method. Let Chanfana automatically handle validation errors and return 400 Bad Request responses. Only catch exceptions if you need to perform custom error handling logic for specific error types other than validation errors.

4. "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'schema')" or similar errors related to _meta:

  • Cause: You are using auto endpoints (CreateEndpoint, ReadEndpoint, etc.) without properly defining the _meta property in your endpoint class.

  • Solution: When using auto endpoints, you must define the _meta property and assign a valid Meta object to it. Ensure that your Meta object includes the model property with schema, primaryKeys, and tableName (if applicable).

    class MyCreateEndpoint extends CreateEndpoint {
        _meta = { // Correct: Define _meta property
            model: {
                schema: MyDataModel,
                primaryKeys: ['id'],
                tableName: 'my_table',
         { /* ... */ };
        // ...

5. OpenAPI schema is missing descriptions or examples:

  • Cause: You have not provided descriptions or examples in your Zod schemas or Chanfana parameter types.

  • Solution: Use Zod's describe() method and Chanfana parameter type options like description and example to add metadata to your schemas. This metadata is used to generate more informative OpenAPI documentation.

    const nameSchema = Str({ description: 'User name', example: 'John Doe' }); // Add description and example
    const ageSchema = Int({ description: 'User age' }); // Add description

6. D1 endpoints are not working, "Binding 'DB' is not defined in worker" error:

  • Cause: You have not correctly configured the D1 database binding in your wrangler.toml file, or the binding name in your code (dbName = 'DB') does not match the binding name in wrangler.toml.
  • Solution:
    • Verify your wrangler.toml file and ensure that you have a [[d1_databases]] section with a binding name (e.g., binding = "DB").
    • Make sure that the dbName property in your D1 endpoint class matches the binding name in wrangler.toml (case-sensitive).
    • Ensure that you have deployed your Cloudflare Worker or are running it in a local environment where the D1 binding is correctly set up.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I use Chanfana with routers other than Hono and itty-router?

A: Chanfana is designed to be router-agnostic in principle. While it provides official adapters for Hono and itty-router, you can potentially create custom adapters for other routers. However, creating a custom adapter might require a deeper understanding of Chanfana's internals and the API of the target router.

Q: Does Chanfana support OpenAPI 3.1?

A: Yes, Chanfana fully supports OpenAPI 3.1 (which is the default) and also OpenAPI 3.0.3. You can select the OpenAPI version using the openapiVersion option in RouterOptions.

Q: Can I customize the generated OpenAPI document beyond the RouterOptions?

A: Yes, you can customize the OpenAPI schema output extensively using Zod's describe() and openapi() methods, as well as Chanfana's parameter type options. For more advanced customizations or modifications to the generated OpenAPI document structure, you might need to extend or modify Chanfana's core classes (which is generally not recommended unless you have a deep understanding of the library).

Q: Is Chanfana suitable for production APIs?

A: Yes, Chanfana is considered stable and production-ready. It is used in production at Cloudflare and powers public APIs like Radar 2.0.

Q: Does Chanfana support authentication and authorization?

A: Chanfana itself does not provide built-in authentication or authorization mechanisms. However, it is designed to work seamlessly with middleware and custom logic for implementing authentication and authorization in your API endpoints. Refer to the Examples and Recipes section for a basic example of API key authentication.

Q: How can I handle different content types (e.g., XML, plain text) in request and responses?

A: Chanfana primarily focuses on JSON APIs and provides contentJson for simplifying JSON content handling. For handling other content types like XML or plain text, you might need to:

  • Manually define OpenAPI content objects in your schema without using contentJson.
  • Use Zod schemas that are appropriate for the data format (e.g., z.string() for plain text).
  • Handle request parsing and response serialization for non-JSON content types within your endpoint handle methods using router-specific or Fetch API methods.

(Future versions of Chanfana might introduce more utilities for handling different content types.)

Debugging Tips

  • Check Browser Console: When using Swagger UI or ReDoc, inspect the browser's developer console for any JavaScript errors or warnings that might indicate issues with the documentation rendering or OpenAPI schema.
  • Validate OpenAPI Schema: Use online OpenAPI validators (e.g., Swagger Editor, ReDoc online validator) to validate your generated openapi.json schema file for any structural or syntax errors.
  • Verbose Logging: Add console.log statements in your endpoint handle methods and middleware to trace the request flow, data validation, and error handling logic.
  • Simplify and Isolate: If you encounter complex issues, try to simplify your endpoint definitions and isolate the problematic part of your code to narrow down the source of the error.
  • Example Projects: Refer to the example projects and code snippets in the documentation and Chanfana's repository for working examples and best practices.

Getting Help and Support

Released under the MIT License.