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Custom error handling

In order to customize the zod error formats, just overwrite the handleValidationError function in your endpoint class

import { OpenAPIRoute } from 'chanfana'

export class ToDoList extends OpenAPIRoute {
  schema = {
    // ...

  handleValidationError(errors: z.ZodIssue[]): Response {
    return Response.json({
      errors: errors,
      success: false,
      result: {},
    }, {
      status: 400,

  async handle(request: Request, env: any, context: any) {
    // ...

Reusing errors handlers across the project

First define a generic class that extends OpenAPIRoute, in this function define you cross endpoint functions

import { OpenAPIRoute } from "chanfana";

class MyProjectRoute extends OpenAPIRoute {
  handleValidationError(errors: z.ZodIssue[]): Response {
    return Response.json({
      errors: errors,
      success: false,
      result: {},
    }, {
      status: 400,

Then, in your endpoint extend from the new class

import { MyProjectRoute } from './route'

export class ToDoList extends MyProjectRoute {
  schema = {
    // ...

  async handle(request: Request, env: any, context: any, data: any) {
    // ...