Getting started with cruds
chanfana now has built-in classes for the common CRUD operation.
This allows you to get your work done faster, just create a new class that extends the operation you want and define your model.
Currently, there is support for D1 Databases
and Bring your own database
Model definition¶
A chanfana model is compose of the following fields:
: the target table nameschema
: a Zod object containing all your database fieldsprimaryKeys
: an array of the primary keys of your table, this is used for updated, deletes and other operationsserializer
: optionally, a serializer function, this is useful when you don't want to show all fields in the response or convert somethingserializerSchema
: optionally, the Zod schema output of the serializer function defined above
Start by defining your database model in this format:
export const Model = {
tableName: string,
schema: AnyZodObject,
primaryKeys: Array<string>,
serializer: (obj: object) => object, // Optional
serializerSchema: AnyZodObject, // Optional
You will be able to customize what fields are applied to each operation inside each endpoint class
Here's an example model
import { z } from "zod";
export function EvaluationSerializer(obj) {
return {
gateway_id: obj.gateway_id,
processed: Boolean(obj.processed),
total_logs: obj.total_logs,
created_at: obj.created_at,
modified_at: obj.modified_at,
export const evaluation = z.object({
id: z.string(),
gateway_id: z.string(),
name: z.string(),
created_at: z.string().datetime(),
modified_at: z.string().datetime(),
processed: z.boolean(),
total_logs: z.number(),
export const evaluationModel = {
schema: evaluation,
primaryKeys: ["id", "gateway_id"],
tableName: "evaluations",
serializer: EvaluationSerializer,
serializerSchema: evaluation
id: true,
gateway_id: true,
name: true,
processed: true,
total_logs: true,
results: true,
created_at: true,
modified_at: true,
Learn more about each operation here: